Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

Secure personal data with StealthCrypto™

StealthCrypto™ is a company that has developed a technology that protects data from hacking and data thieves. It uses blockchain technology to deliver any data shared online. this system is entirely self-sufficient that works without the need for human touch. It uses an exclusive end to end dynamic split encryption and quantum generation technology to generate quantum keys distributed across platforms for authentication purposes. Quantum secure cryptography will enable the blockchain industry, communications industry, smart city platform and the banking sector to use this technology for data security.

The future is the era of quantum technology, and StealthCrypto has it all. With all the innovations and experiences, StealthCrypto will be very useful for human life in the future.

Protection is a necessity in the future, and StealthCrypto responds to that challenge easily. The team has set up a technology called Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI). Where this technology will be far superior to the existing ID system in the world. StealthCrypto is supported by international cybersecurity experts and world-renowned cryptographers.

StealthCrypto users will have great power over their privacy and make calls anywhere in the world with Wi-Fi or data. Stealth Grid aims to decentralize mobile communications systems with technologies that enable smartphones to communicate without relying on centralized infrastructure using the decentralized Quantum StealthCrypto network (the first of its kind in the telecommunications industry).

StealthCrypto is the first. All phones come with original privacy control feature. Users have full control over their phone access and functionality. StealthCrypto phones will be the safest phones on the market and every application must be approved and downloaded from the secure and trusted StealthCrypto page.

How to join StealthCrypto ICO? Follow the steps to join StealthCrypto ICO:

Registering on the website: The first step in the process is to register on the website. Go to https://qmn.stealthcrypto.io/ and create your account by providing email id and other necessary details. You will receive an activation link to your Email id to confirm your email address. Click on the link to activate your account.

Log in to the dashboard: After you confirm the email id, visit the website to login to the dashboard. StealthCrypto has an easy-to-use dashboard system. You'll find a buy now button on the dashboard that will allow you to buy tokens.

Buy QMN: StealthCrypto Tokens are distributed on behalf of QMN. You'll find a QMN buy button on the dashboard. Click on the button to visit the buy page now.

Selecting CryptoCurrency: In the drop-down section, you have to choose the cryptocurrency type you should buy token. For example, if you are willing to buy it by using Ethereum, select the amount of ETH. You will show the address or the QR code in ICO. You can use this for your personal deposit address.

QMN Payments: Once you make a payment, the purchase will reflect your account as a StealthCrypto wallet.

Done: You are now an official partner of the StealthCrypto community.

StealthCrypto Token is QMN, this abbreviation comes from Quantum Mesh Network. Total token supply: 400,000,000

200,000,000 tokens for Stage 1 Token Crowdsale

Pre-Token For Sale starting January 28, 2018. The initial token price (ICO) will be set at least S0.50, or current market value above S0.50, when ICO launches July 05, 2018. 200,000,000 tokens will be provided for Stage 2 Token Crowdsale (50% of the total).

Phase 2 will happen no earlier than 2020, and all tokens will be sold at market prices, not with a fixed value of $ 0.50 USO (note: all percentages below will be adjusted according to the actual amount raised, for example, if we sell 70 million tokens 1 00M, the following numbers will be multiplied by 0.007)

To make an investment, you must first subscribe to the platform at https://qmn.stealthcrypto.io./


In the future encryption technology will become an important commodity for data security. This can be seen from the high demand for control and protection of information assets and data of companies and individuals around the world today. This use of encryption trends has increased due to the high rates of cybercrime each year. Human Error tops the list as the main threat to crucial and confidential data in a company, the next is the damage to the system and also the hacker.
The Stealth Grids ™ Trust Center has a suite of ready-to-market, encrypted and integrated communications products that will be enabled by StealthCrypto ™ tokens. Current market-ready products include IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice, and video conferencing using Quantum's proprietary virtual security technology.
Stealth Grid builds incentive-based quantum networks that will radicalize existing infrastructure based on the blockchain.

For more information about the StealthCrypto platform you can visit the page below:

Website: https://www.stealthcrypto.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/stealthcrypto2018

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/StealthCrypto-143787762986167/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Twitter: https://twitter.com/stealthcrypto


Senin, 25 Juni 2018



BitScreener is a unique cryptocurrency-oriented platform that provides the most accurate, detailed information on crypto exchanges. Launched in July 2017, the platform aims to simplify and innovate how individuals gain information about cryptocurrency. BitScreener gives users the ability to filter coins based on different market criteria, coats important technical indicators of graphics, accesses cryptocurrency combined news, and more.
With BitScreener's extraordinary public support growing to adjust interest.
Even with the rapid development of cryptocurrency, BitScreener is fully prepared to handle growth. The incredible developer team has retained the existing features, and consistently adds updates to ensure users get the best possible data. This ensures that when using the most easily changeable cryptocurrency exchange, users have the best and latest information to make the right decisions.

Filter Tool: The ability to "filter" or filter multiple cryptocurrencies based on specified criteria is a unique feature, which BitScreener only has. This feature allows you to sort through quickly and find coins that meet your criteria, this is an important advantage for traders and investors.
Adjustable parameters include: price, volume (24 hours), market capitalization, exchange, performance, order, type, and age.

Advanced technical analysis: Another advantageous component in BitScreener is an advanced technical analysis indicator. Indicators are directly displayed on the coin chart and include Simple Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, and Relative Strength Index. Due to the extreme volatility of cryptocurrency, every technical indicator you can use is invaluable.

Accurate news & information identifiers: Keeping abreast of cryptocurrency news is very important but it can prove to be a difficult task. The aggregate news feed draws from over a hundred credible news sources, (CNBC, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, Forbes, etc.) and the list is published recently. In addition, by clicking on certain coins, BitScreener will only display news about the coins.


Comprehensive Homepage: Is an overview of all cryptocurrency markets, trendy cryptocurrency features, top screening parameters, watchlist, top gain/loss of coins, latest news and total market maps. Heatmap is very important because it allows users to quickly see the movement and the market capitalization of coins that work over/under.


BitScreener is available on Android, iOS and the Web. BitScreener has been providing portfolio management services to over 1.2 million users since its launch in 2017.

app-store-logo  app-store-logo

Bitcoin is a globally recognized cryptocurrency, but many other alternative coins are introduced to the market every day. Previously, to track Bitcoin or alternative coins, extensive research was needed in forums and chat rooms; BitScreener has revolutionized it.

For more information please visit:

WEBSITE: https://bitscreener.com/

WHITEPAPER: https://tokensale.bitscreener.com/

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/bitscreener

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/bitscreener

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bitscreenercom

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@BitScreener


Senin, 11 Juni 2018

BUDDY- Platform Otentikasi Pengembangan Terdesentralisasi

BUDDY adalah sistem otomatisasi pemenang pengembangan yang melayani pasar yang berkembang pesat senilai hingga 345 miliar USD pada 2022. Hal ini diikuti oleh para pemimpin sektor seperti Github, Docker, Google, dan Microsoft Azure. Lebih dari 7k programmer menggunakan BUDDY setiap hari di 120 negara plus. Klien unggulan: INC. CGI.com, Majalah, ING Bank.
Mereka bertujuan untuk menjadi tulang punggung di mana orang-orang terampil dapat mengembangkan layanan dan aplikasi yang mengubah dunia.

  • Sebuah produk yang secara efektif menyelesaikan isu-isu aktual dari pasar bernilai miliaran dolar, termasuk merek yang sangat dihormati seperti Inc. Doc-planner 'Magazine dan CGI.
  • Kemitraan dengan GitHub, Docker, Google, Amazon, dan Microsoft berkontribusi pada peluncuran GitHub Marketplace, Google Cloud, Azure, Docker Store dan (segera) Amazon Web Services Market.
  • Versi komersial yang berdiri sendiri dari sistem. Sebuah tim yang memiliki hubungan dekat dengan 16 orang, bekerja bersama selama beberapa tahun (kebanyakan dari mereka adalah kolaborator & pemegang saham) telah membuktikan bahwa mereka memberikan solusi kualitas terbaik untuk berbagai tugas.

Didirikan pada tahun 2015 untuk secara vertikal menggunakan otomatisasi dalam pertumbuhan aplikasi sehingga pemrogram dapat fokus pada kerja kreatif daripada penyalahgunaan kecurangan pada pekerjaan yang berulang. Buddy adalah platform yang menggabungkan DevOps pasar (pembelian dan penjualan pengembangan), GRID otomatis pribadi (penggunaan sumber daya internal platform), GRID otomatis umum (penggunaan sumber daya dari pengguna lain). Platform ini akan membangun sebuah softwere dan aplikasi yang terdesentralisasi dengan blockchain yang akan sangat mudah di operasikan.

Tujuan mereka adalah untuk mengambil beban dari banyak programmer dengan membongkar segala sesuatu yang dapat diotomatisasi - menawarkan mereka waktu mundur untuk menjadi artistik.
BUDDY menempatkan perluasan aplikasi pada autopilot dan membuat aplikasi bangunan ditingkatkan, mengembangkan Pasar Ops yang terdesentralisasi dan mekanisasi GRID yang menantang cara para programmer saat ini membuat, menyebarkan, dan menguji aplikasi mereka.

keuntungan yang di tawarkan

  • Pengembang akan dapat membuat proyek mereka sendiri lebih cepat dan lebih nyaman, menghabiskan lebih sedikit waktu dan upaya, dan juga memiliki akses ke pengembangan inovatif, aplikasi, API, akses langsung ke pengguna, ulasan.
  • Versi beta siap pakai dari aplikasi, bekerja untuk semua jenis kode.
  • Ada lebih dari 80 tindakan otomatis yang membantu pengguna mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan perangkat lunak..
  • Ruang lingkup proyek yang luas. Segala macam pengembangan perangkat lunak, pembelian dan penjualan perangkat lunak, penggunaan sumber daya dari PC lain.

Penggalangan dana selama ICO akan diterapkan untuk peningkatan pertumbuhan dan sistem Aplikasi Terdesentralisasi yang dilengkapi dengan GRID Individual dan Shared Automation, Ops Dev Market, menciptakan sumber terbuka Buddy, dan teknisi untuk pengembangan aplikasi BlockChain: D App OS, mendistribusikan Block-Chain as Service Ops dan Blok.

Simbol: BUD
Jenis: ERC 20
Persediaan: 300M BUD
Harga: 1 ETH = 0,0002 
Hard cap: 60.000 ETH
Privat-sale: 15 Juni - 15 Juli
Pre-sale: 23 Juli - 30 Juli
Crowdsale: Mulai 1 Agustus

Untuk memastikan keberhasilan pasar dan ROI pembeli token BUD, ICO akan membiayai pelaksanaan rencana pemasarannya.
Selanjutnya, akan di alokasikan menjadi tempat untuk mempelajari keterampilan pertumbuhan, pertumbuhan blok untuk programmer saat ini dan yang akan datang, didukung oleh akses gratis ke platform Buddy

Buddy telah ber mitra dengan perusahaan perusahaan besar yang telah mempercayakan pengembangan proyek proyek meraka melalui ecosystem Buddy

Bergabunglah bersama komunitas Buddy. Kunjungi:

WEBSITE: https://token.buddy.works/

WHITEPAPER: https://files.buddy.works/ico/BuddyWhitepaper.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3798597

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gitbuddy/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/buddygit

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/buddytoken

ONE PAGE: https://files.buddy.works/ico/OnePager.pdf

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/10293199

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/buddyhq/
