Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018

WPP ENERGY- Platform Energi Hijau Global

Pertumbuhan eksponensial dari cryptocurrency telah menyebabkan peningkatan dramatis dalam konsumsi energi sektor dan konsentrasi aktivitas penambangan di negara-negara dengan standar sosial dan lingkungan yang rendah - di mana listrik diproduksi menggunakan bahan bakar fosil yang sebagian besar. Lebih buruk lagi, konsentrasi kekuatan penambangan di tangan hanya beberapa perusahaan besar mendistorsi proses pengambilan keputusan yang sebelumnya demokratis di jaringan-jaringan ini.

Platform Energi Hijau WPP ENERGY dibuat untuk mengurangi biaya energi hijau secara global, awalnya, melalui penggunaan teknologi, kemitraan, lisensi, afiliasi, dan hubungan pihak ketiga. WPP ENERGY telah menandatangani kontrak dengan beberapa negara di seluruh dunia, senilai lebih dari $ 50B USD, dimulai dengan implementasi awal $ 6B. Kontrak telah ditetapkan pada tingkat pemerintah federal untuk produksi tenaga hijau untuk periode 35 tahun terus menerus.
Dalam jangka panjang, pasar listrik global akan diatur oleh teknologi baru untuk menyeimbangkan, menyimpan, dan memperdagangkan energi di antara beberapa peserta yang cerdas - kemungkinan besar yang didorong oleh blockchain. Sementara kondisi pasar baru mungkin menjadi ancaman serius bagi pemain tradisional, mereka menawarkan peluang besar untuk solusi global, fleksibel dan cerdas yang disediakan oleh WPP Energy.

Pemasok ke platform ini dapat mengubah industri pembangkit listrik untuk kepentingan Kota, Korporasi dan Konsumen. Teknologi energi mengganggu kami mampu menghasilkan penghematan yang signifikan.
Penyebaran Platform Energi Hijau Global baru akan meningkatkan kemampuan WPP untuk mengurangi biaya produksi energi, memosisikan Platform untuk menjadi pusat pusat dunia untuk perdagangan energi terbarukan.

Fitur Platform:

  • 20+ energi yang berbeda terkait cryptocurrency akan dapat diperdagangkan di platform. 
  • Peningkatan likuiditas untuk semua cryptocurrency yang berpartisipasi. 
  • Platform akan menawarkan di antara biaya perdagangan terendah dalam industri.
  • Eksekusi perdagangan yang cepat. 
  • Penyebaran praktek keamanan tingkat lanjut. 
  • Mata uang baru ditambahkan seiring pertumbuhan industri.
  • Audit kepatuhan akan dilakukan pada peluncuran koin baru.
  • Dukungan cepat untuk forks dan airdrops.

Platform Pertukaran WPP adalah pertukaran cryptocurrency yang akan segera diluncurkan dengan fokus pada crypto-to-crypto trading energi dan cryptocurrency kripto dan token digital. Ini akan menghasilkan peningkatan likuiditas untuk semua cryptocurrency yang berpartisipasi dengan memungkinkan berbagai mata uang untuk berdagang satu sama lain. Setidaknya 20 energi yang berbeda terkait cryptocurrency akan dapat diperdagangkan di platform.

Informasi ICO dan Token:

Token: WPP
Tanggal Pra-ICO Ethereum: 10.06.2018 - 10.07.2018.
Type token: ERC20.
Harga Token: 0.2000000000
Total token USD: 5 000 000 000
Token: Utilitas-token.
Tujuan pengumpulan: 5 000 000 USD Max.
Tujuan pengumpulan: 50 000 000 USD
Mata uang: ETH, BTC, LTC.

Token dapat digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi pada platform Global Green Energy. Hal ini didasarkan pada platform kursi WPP ENERGY dan menawarkan pelanggannya operasi yang menguntungkan untuk membeli eco-energi dengan harga di bawah harga pasar.
WPP memberikan pelanggan pilihan, Anda dapat membayar dalam mata uang dan token WPP. Dengan bantuan kerja sama seperti itu, klien yang akan bergabung dengan komunitas akan memiliki 3 alasan lebih baik untuk:

  • Menerima diskon tunai untuk pembelian harian berbagai barang dan jasa.
  • Pilihan energi yang tidak mencemari lingkungan.
  • Tingkatkan tabungan Anda.

Penggunaan token WPP akan menciptakan sistem yang nyaman bagi semua penawar, dan yang paling penting - keamanan dan keandalan dari setiap operasi yang dilakukan di platform.

WPP ENERGY MOBILE POWER STATION adalah solusi tenaga ideal untuk kebutuhan energi banyak industri termasuk hotel, pusat perbelanjaan, sekolah, komunitas yang membutuhkan sumber energi dan sumber daya bersih yang murah dan / atau ingin mencabut sambungan dari penyedia dan bentuk saat ini. jaringan listrik biaya terendah mereka sendiri, termasuk krisis konsumsi energi yang muncul dari persyaratan penambang cryptocurrency. Mobile Power Station juga merupakan solusi ideal untuk Militer.

WPP Energy tetap konsisten dan misi tersebut adalah menggunakan Teknologi Inovatif untuk Menghasilkan dan Menyediakan Energi Bersih 100% yang Paling Terjangkau dan Efisien di Dunia. WPP Energy akan menyebarkan teknologi canggih yang paling kuat yang secara global membantu negara-negara dunia kedua dan ketiga untuk memiliki peluang baru untuk mengatasi masalah perumahan dan energi yang cukup besar.

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap silahkan kunjungi:



✅Telegram Group:





Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

EOT- The Protocol for DGames.

The EOT platform, starting as the EON protocol, changed its name because of its similarity to other projects. Currently, the EOT protocol is known as the EOT platform, which uses blockchain technology to solve all gaming industry problems.

The platform is designed to give developers the maximum freedom to develop the game. The platform is built to make it a universal platform for all game developers. The EOT protocol is the step of the gaming industry to a new level using blockchain technology.

This platform already has more than 5 million users worldwide. With EOT, the entire gaming industry will be much better.

Features of the EOT protocol

The EOT features are as follows:

  • Allows game developers to make a lot of money in their games.
  • Provides a decentralized platform for users.
  • Will revolutionize the entire gaming industry.
  • This platform is based on blockchain technology.

EOT also promises lower prices for games, operates at lower prices for developers, plus the availability of referral systems will help reduce game costs by 30-50%, which is generally unimaginable. Also, it's possible to reward players for participating in alpha, beta versions, for test and other usability help, developers can more flexibly give players.

The important thing you need to know about EOT.

Where the game is considered as an important way to generate income worldwide. Since the gaming industry has turned into a giant, it brings huge profits around the world. But, despite the huge earnings, in the gaming industry, there are still certain problems that need to be solved. To overcome the challenges of the gaming industry, the EOT platform has been implemented, which is a decentralized platform based on modern blockchain technology. This is a unique platform for introducing games, where players can spend time on their favorite games, share and discover something new in the gaming industry.

Verification problem.
Hacking user accounts continually causes major database losses and even money theft. EOT's internal verification system completely excludes the effect of hackers, because of smart and smart intelligent contracts.

The EOT Token is the official token through which all actions within the platform will take place.
Total released 2 billion hundred tokens, 6 hundred and 30 million of which will be available for sale, and 20 million will go to Bounty program, which already exists and will continue until July 26 this year.

Project development plan:

End of 2017 - the emergence of an idea to create the EOT platform, the foundation of the EOT Foundation.
Starting in 2018 - the launch of EOT tokens and game pioneers, based on the second-generation blockchain.
Mid 2018 - integration of EOT tokens and games, development of the beta version of EOT platform.
Starting in 2019 - the launch of the Internet version of the EOT platform.
End of 2019 - launching a platform for the mobile version.

The EOT value will greatly increase because millions of games want to be on this platform, the future will be a crypto game so EOT will be very valuable if the crypto game grows strong. The EOT ecosystem will help solve the problem of monetizing new computer games, and developers and gamers will get a new impetus for further development of the growth of the EOT ecosystem.

Frames of EON Games

Dgame has a special architecture. For this reason, he can carry out the task of transferring at high speed and paying digital assets at a low cost. This is very similar to the Lightning network from Bitcoin and the Raiden network from Ethereum. However, Dgames has made several improvements, which are not on other networks.

From above, we can conclude that this platform is made specifically for a revolution in the entire gaming industry. With the help of blockade technology, the purpose of this platform will be achieved.


For more information visit:


By: Raidal;u=1084584

Minggu, 15 Juli 2018

EON- because the game is the best way to educate people about Cryptocurrency.

EON is one decentralized gaming platform, where gamers will connect, they can share great games, discover new games, exciting chat, or hobby game "search" buttons, but with blockchain technology, where search and support efficiencies are increasing tremendously. The project was launched in 2014. The first project was not very successful, due to the low gameplay. However, the first failure forced the developers to move to a new level - to move the entire structure of the gaming computer industry to a blockbuster. The second version of the detachment, where the smart contract emerged, makes it possible to complete the difficult task of interaction between players and game developers. This successfully resolved the issue of monetization.

EON Foundation has several branches in Europe and Asia region. The introduction of EON blockbuster makes it possible to solve the following problems:

Payment with paper money. Any previous players and developers are forced to receive remuneration of their work, using the national currency. A large amount of fiat money and complex money transfer barriers ultimately create difficulties for gamers and developers. The introduction of the EON token eliminates the need to pay commissions and other fees. Use tokens for an intended purpose and profitably monetize all your actions and steps.

Verification issues. Hacking user accounts constantly leads to the loss of the primary database and even to the theft of money. EON's internal verification system completely excludes the influence of hackers, because smart contracts are smart and smart.

The EON Token is the official token through which all actions within the platform will take place.
Total released 2 billion hundred tokens, 6 hundred and 30 million of which will be available for sale, and 20 million will go to the Bounty program, which already exists and will continue until July 26 this year.

Project development plan:

  1. End of 2017 - the emergence of the idea to create the EON platform, the foundation of the EON Foundation.
  2. Beginning in 2018 - the launch of EON tokens and game pioneers, based on the second-generation blockchain.
  3. Mid 2018 - integration of EON tokens and games, development of a beta version of EON platform.
  4. Beginning in 2019 - the launch of the Internet version of EON platform.
  5. End of 2019 - launch platform version for mobile.

EON tokens are the ultimate electronic money on the EON platform. It is designed to support EON's economic platform, and should also contribute to the development of the EON platform. Early supporters of the EON platform and EON cardholders will receive awards as the platform grows.

The value of EON will be greatly improved because millions of games want to be on this platform, the future will be a crypto game so EON will be invaluable if crypto games grow strong. The EON ecosystem will help to solve the problem of monetizing new computer games, and developers and gamers will get a new boost for the further development of EON's ecosystem growth.

Visit the WEBSITE to learn a WHITEPAPER. You can also join the community at:

Senin, 09 Juli 2018

ARAW- Provides solutions for E-Commerce Marketplace, Touch & Pay Crypto Card.

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ARAW is a decentralized platform for e-commerce. ARAW's main objective is the creation of a universal payment ecosystem for e-commerce, which will enable the implementation of BLOCKCHAIN technology as much as possible for ordinary users around the world.

By maintaining data integrity, Blockchain records all transactions to ensure that all transactions are conducted on a secure and transparent platform. In addition, as well as lower costs, Blockchain technology will also reduce the number of intermediaries needed to complete transactions

The platform that will eliminate the fundamental issues in e-commerce and the crypto frequency economy is working as more than a simple gift, as it is used or exchanged for all members of the ARAW ecosystem. In addition, ARAW owners can also convert their chips in fiat currency using the ARAW cell wallet and return the cash to your bank account.

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ARAW Tokens can be adopted in any location - this global decentralization potential represents an unlimited increase in symbols. This implementation will be smooth as we try to break through regular e-commerce platforms and retail outlets without introducing custom tailored changes from the user's perspective
The platform also allows regular customers to participate in the fast-growing cryptographic world - offering benefits to all parties involved. The main factor is the ease of acceptance for customers because the reward system is a common thing.

ARAW offers advanced solutions to customers by using blockchain technology in the future.

For merchants available
ecosystem-commerce-based blockchain.
  1. Acquisitions for new customers worldwide.
  2. Open platform to create company e-commerce platform in the blockchain.
For customers available gift cryptocurrency
  1. Can be redeemed to fiat currency.
  2. Can be redeemed for other purchases.
  3. no expiry.
  4. Value of appreciation due to scarcity and increased adoption.
Benefits of ARAW Touch & Pay cards for instant transactions, minimal user fees collection, and complete transparency provisions on a decentralized and flexible platform.
Araw Touch & Pay cards are the only solutions for any gifted program that may be of interest to buyers - the first of its kind in the UK.
This allows customers to receive ARAW chips with their daily purchases, as well as pay by using the AREND token that accumulates. This ensures that the average customer can easily approve the use of the card because of its similarity to the existing technology - but now the power with voucher araw that holds intrinsic and never-ending value. This offer allows symbolic araw to use cryptocurrency every day has struggled to meet as a symbolic value that has been disconnected from contextual usage so far.

This feature is supported by open widgets to receive ARAW token payments and can be used by sellers anywhere in the world. Thus, the development team will provide a number of easy solutions to pay for purchases made over the Internet, via a web wallet platform.

Araw Mobile Wallet for acceptance of ARAW token payments and can be used by sellers anywhere in the world. Thus, the development team will provide a number of easy solutions to pay for purchases made over the Internet, via a web wallet platform.

The seamless integration of Araw Mobile Wallet with Banking and Cryptocurrency Exchange will enable the users of Araw Platform;
  • Top-up ARAW Token with a single click of a button
  • Send and Receive ARAW token
  • Exchanging AREN tokens with other cryptocurrencies such as ETH and BTC
  • Redeem ARTA Token with fiat currency and get money back
The ARAW mobile wallet that continues to connect to the Exchange
Cryptocurrency maintains the direct exchange rate of the ARAW token and other cryptocurrencies.

Details of ICO

Date of ICO
July 1 - August 31, 2018
Token name
1 $ = 0.01 Araw
Total number of tokens issued
Number of chips for sale
$ 3.5 billion (70%)
KYC Identity Identification System
There is no
pre-sale started
July 1, 2018
25,000,000 USD
5,000,000 USD
Currency received

More information please visit:









Kamis, 28 Juni 2018

Secure personal data with StealthCrypto™

StealthCrypto™ is a company that has developed a technology that protects data from hacking and data thieves. It uses blockchain technology to deliver any data shared online. this system is entirely self-sufficient that works without the need for human touch. It uses an exclusive end to end dynamic split encryption and quantum generation technology to generate quantum keys distributed across platforms for authentication purposes. Quantum secure cryptography will enable the blockchain industry, communications industry, smart city platform and the banking sector to use this technology for data security.

The future is the era of quantum technology, and StealthCrypto has it all. With all the innovations and experiences, StealthCrypto will be very useful for human life in the future.

Protection is a necessity in the future, and StealthCrypto responds to that challenge easily. The team has set up a technology called Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI). Where this technology will be far superior to the existing ID system in the world. StealthCrypto is supported by international cybersecurity experts and world-renowned cryptographers.

StealthCrypto users will have great power over their privacy and make calls anywhere in the world with Wi-Fi or data. Stealth Grid aims to decentralize mobile communications systems with technologies that enable smartphones to communicate without relying on centralized infrastructure using the decentralized Quantum StealthCrypto network (the first of its kind in the telecommunications industry).

StealthCrypto is the first. All phones come with original privacy control feature. Users have full control over their phone access and functionality. StealthCrypto phones will be the safest phones on the market and every application must be approved and downloaded from the secure and trusted StealthCrypto page.

How to join StealthCrypto ICO? Follow the steps to join StealthCrypto ICO:

Registering on the website: The first step in the process is to register on the website. Go to and create your account by providing email id and other necessary details. You will receive an activation link to your Email id to confirm your email address. Click on the link to activate your account.

Log in to the dashboard: After you confirm the email id, visit the website to login to the dashboard. StealthCrypto has an easy-to-use dashboard system. You'll find a buy now button on the dashboard that will allow you to buy tokens.

Buy QMN: StealthCrypto Tokens are distributed on behalf of QMN. You'll find a QMN buy button on the dashboard. Click on the button to visit the buy page now.

Selecting CryptoCurrency: In the drop-down section, you have to choose the cryptocurrency type you should buy token. For example, if you are willing to buy it by using Ethereum, select the amount of ETH. You will show the address or the QR code in ICO. You can use this for your personal deposit address.

QMN Payments: Once you make a payment, the purchase will reflect your account as a StealthCrypto wallet.

Done: You are now an official partner of the StealthCrypto community.

StealthCrypto Token is QMN, this abbreviation comes from Quantum Mesh Network. Total token supply: 400,000,000

200,000,000 tokens for Stage 1 Token Crowdsale

Pre-Token For Sale starting January 28, 2018. The initial token price (ICO) will be set at least S0.50, or current market value above S0.50, when ICO launches July 05, 2018. 200,000,000 tokens will be provided for Stage 2 Token Crowdsale (50% of the total).

Phase 2 will happen no earlier than 2020, and all tokens will be sold at market prices, not with a fixed value of $ 0.50 USO (note: all percentages below will be adjusted according to the actual amount raised, for example, if we sell 70 million tokens 1 00M, the following numbers will be multiplied by 0.007)

To make an investment, you must first subscribe to the platform at


In the future encryption technology will become an important commodity for data security. This can be seen from the high demand for control and protection of information assets and data of companies and individuals around the world today. This use of encryption trends has increased due to the high rates of cybercrime each year. Human Error tops the list as the main threat to crucial and confidential data in a company, the next is the damage to the system and also the hacker.
The Stealth Grids ™ Trust Center has a suite of ready-to-market, encrypted and integrated communications products that will be enabled by StealthCrypto ™ tokens. Current market-ready products include IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice, and video conferencing using Quantum's proprietary virtual security technology.
Stealth Grid builds incentive-based quantum networks that will radicalize existing infrastructure based on the blockchain.

For more information about the StealthCrypto platform you can visit the page below:






Senin, 25 Juni 2018



BitScreener is a unique cryptocurrency-oriented platform that provides the most accurate, detailed information on crypto exchanges. Launched in July 2017, the platform aims to simplify and innovate how individuals gain information about cryptocurrency. BitScreener gives users the ability to filter coins based on different market criteria, coats important technical indicators of graphics, accesses cryptocurrency combined news, and more.
With BitScreener's extraordinary public support growing to adjust interest.
Even with the rapid development of cryptocurrency, BitScreener is fully prepared to handle growth. The incredible developer team has retained the existing features, and consistently adds updates to ensure users get the best possible data. This ensures that when using the most easily changeable cryptocurrency exchange, users have the best and latest information to make the right decisions.

Filter Tool: The ability to "filter" or filter multiple cryptocurrencies based on specified criteria is a unique feature, which BitScreener only has. This feature allows you to sort through quickly and find coins that meet your criteria, this is an important advantage for traders and investors.
Adjustable parameters include: price, volume (24 hours), market capitalization, exchange, performance, order, type, and age.

Advanced technical analysis: Another advantageous component in BitScreener is an advanced technical analysis indicator. Indicators are directly displayed on the coin chart and include Simple Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, and Relative Strength Index. Due to the extreme volatility of cryptocurrency, every technical indicator you can use is invaluable.

Accurate news & information identifiers: Keeping abreast of cryptocurrency news is very important but it can prove to be a difficult task. The aggregate news feed draws from over a hundred credible news sources, (CNBC, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, Forbes, etc.) and the list is published recently. In addition, by clicking on certain coins, BitScreener will only display news about the coins.


Comprehensive Homepage: Is an overview of all cryptocurrency markets, trendy cryptocurrency features, top screening parameters, watchlist, top gain/loss of coins, latest news and total market maps. Heatmap is very important because it allows users to quickly see the movement and the market capitalization of coins that work over/under.


BitScreener is available on Android, iOS and the Web. BitScreener has been providing portfolio management services to over 1.2 million users since its launch in 2017.

app-store-logo  app-store-logo

Bitcoin is a globally recognized cryptocurrency, but many other alternative coins are introduced to the market every day. Previously, to track Bitcoin or alternative coins, extensive research was needed in forums and chat rooms; BitScreener has revolutionized it.

For more information please visit:








Senin, 11 Juni 2018

BUDDY- Platform Otentikasi Pengembangan Terdesentralisasi

BUDDY adalah sistem otomatisasi pemenang pengembangan yang melayani pasar yang berkembang pesat senilai hingga 345 miliar USD pada 2022. Hal ini diikuti oleh para pemimpin sektor seperti Github, Docker, Google, dan Microsoft Azure. Lebih dari 7k programmer menggunakan BUDDY setiap hari di 120 negara plus. Klien unggulan: INC., Majalah, ING Bank.
Mereka bertujuan untuk menjadi tulang punggung di mana orang-orang terampil dapat mengembangkan layanan dan aplikasi yang mengubah dunia.

  • Sebuah produk yang secara efektif menyelesaikan isu-isu aktual dari pasar bernilai miliaran dolar, termasuk merek yang sangat dihormati seperti Inc. Doc-planner 'Magazine dan CGI.
  • Kemitraan dengan GitHub, Docker, Google, Amazon, dan Microsoft berkontribusi pada peluncuran GitHub Marketplace, Google Cloud, Azure, Docker Store dan (segera) Amazon Web Services Market.
  • Versi komersial yang berdiri sendiri dari sistem. Sebuah tim yang memiliki hubungan dekat dengan 16 orang, bekerja bersama selama beberapa tahun (kebanyakan dari mereka adalah kolaborator & pemegang saham) telah membuktikan bahwa mereka memberikan solusi kualitas terbaik untuk berbagai tugas.

Didirikan pada tahun 2015 untuk secara vertikal menggunakan otomatisasi dalam pertumbuhan aplikasi sehingga pemrogram dapat fokus pada kerja kreatif daripada penyalahgunaan kecurangan pada pekerjaan yang berulang. Buddy adalah platform yang menggabungkan DevOps pasar (pembelian dan penjualan pengembangan), GRID otomatis pribadi (penggunaan sumber daya internal platform), GRID otomatis umum (penggunaan sumber daya dari pengguna lain). Platform ini akan membangun sebuah softwere dan aplikasi yang terdesentralisasi dengan blockchain yang akan sangat mudah di operasikan.

Tujuan mereka adalah untuk mengambil beban dari banyak programmer dengan membongkar segala sesuatu yang dapat diotomatisasi - menawarkan mereka waktu mundur untuk menjadi artistik.
BUDDY menempatkan perluasan aplikasi pada autopilot dan membuat aplikasi bangunan ditingkatkan, mengembangkan Pasar Ops yang terdesentralisasi dan mekanisasi GRID yang menantang cara para programmer saat ini membuat, menyebarkan, dan menguji aplikasi mereka.

keuntungan yang di tawarkan

  • Pengembang akan dapat membuat proyek mereka sendiri lebih cepat dan lebih nyaman, menghabiskan lebih sedikit waktu dan upaya, dan juga memiliki akses ke pengembangan inovatif, aplikasi, API, akses langsung ke pengguna, ulasan.
  • Versi beta siap pakai dari aplikasi, bekerja untuk semua jenis kode.
  • Ada lebih dari 80 tindakan otomatis yang membantu pengguna mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan perangkat lunak..
  • Ruang lingkup proyek yang luas. Segala macam pengembangan perangkat lunak, pembelian dan penjualan perangkat lunak, penggunaan sumber daya dari PC lain.

Penggalangan dana selama ICO akan diterapkan untuk peningkatan pertumbuhan dan sistem Aplikasi Terdesentralisasi yang dilengkapi dengan GRID Individual dan Shared Automation, Ops Dev Market, menciptakan sumber terbuka Buddy, dan teknisi untuk pengembangan aplikasi BlockChain: D App OS, mendistribusikan Block-Chain as Service Ops dan Blok.

Simbol: BUD
Jenis: ERC 20
Persediaan: 300M BUD
Harga: 1 ETH = 0,0002 
Hard cap: 60.000 ETH
Privat-sale: 15 Juni - 15 Juli
Pre-sale: 23 Juli - 30 Juli
Crowdsale: Mulai 1 Agustus

Untuk memastikan keberhasilan pasar dan ROI pembeli token BUD, ICO akan membiayai pelaksanaan rencana pemasarannya.
Selanjutnya, akan di alokasikan menjadi tempat untuk mempelajari keterampilan pertumbuhan, pertumbuhan blok untuk programmer saat ini dan yang akan datang, didukung oleh akses gratis ke platform Buddy

Buddy telah ber mitra dengan perusahaan perusahaan besar yang telah mempercayakan pengembangan proyek proyek meraka melalui ecosystem Buddy

Bergabunglah bersama komunitas Buddy. Kunjungi:











Rabu, 30 Mei 2018

UMC- universal marketing company

UMC Technologies Limited
Universal Marketing Company (UMC) is a platform for creating and managing paid content and smart advertising in instant messenger, tools, and capabilities aimed at optimizing and reducing the resources spent and time to manage and promote this content. Implementation of platform functions will be done using artificial intelligence, using blocking technology. Developers aim to integrate SMM (Social Media Marketing) tools into marketing campaigns in instant messaging and to solve monetization issues for users of those apps.

The UMC platform is based on smart contracts and operates using high-speed artificial intelligence. It makes advertising in instant messenger effective, reliable, and comfortable as possible. All actions can be done quickly and conveniently through a user-friendly interface, so that a businessman doing marketing will find it very easy to manage ads in instant messaging to any device, because UMC integrates into various applications on smartphones like WhatsApp, Wechat, Facebook Messenger, QQ, Kakaotalk, Viber, Snapchat.

Blockchain technology on the UMC platform will also address various issues such as; failure to comply with contract terms between advertisers, and channel owners (through the use of smart contracts), and payment issues in various currencies.
Blockchain will make all processes fast and transparent, as payment will be made on the token platform.

Another very interesting feature of this platform is the built-in wallet where you can save cryptocurrency, as well as a built-in exchanger, where users will be able to buy internal tokens for both fictitious currencies and other cryptocurrencies.
UMCC Token (created in Ethtereum block) will be the only internal payment tool on the UMC platform. These tokens can be purchased at all stages of ICO, in exchange for their listing or on an internal exchanger. The platform will withdraw the percentage of all transactions, and at the end of each quarter, 100% of the net profit will be sent to purchase UMCC tokens at market prices on the external exchanges. The tokens purchased are burned, and the price plan, with emissions reductions, will increase.



Supply of Token

500 000 000 UMCC.

Price token

$ 0.1019

Private Sell

January-June 2018


July 2018

Token Sales
August 2018.

The technology of the UMC Platform is unquestionably for small and large businesses to market, because it is decentralized and operates on the basis of smart contracts as a guarantor of the implementation of agreements agreed upon in the ecosystem.

Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

HashCard- Satu kartu untuk mencakup banyak kebutuhan.

Hashcard adalah kartu yang dapat digunakan tidak hanya untuk bitcoin dan ethereum tetapi juga untuk menyimpan mata uang asing. 
Tidak hanya menawarkan bank yang terdesentralisasi tetapi juga konversi mata uang instan juga murah. Hashcard akan menjadi ATM yang dapat diterima di setiap toko di seluruh dunia. Dalam upaya mengembangkan kartu kredit / kartu debit terdesentralisasi & transparansi HashCard akan merevolusi cara terbaik untuk mengubah mata uang digital crypto menjadi mata uang tradisional secara waktu nyata dan layanannya tidak hanya akan menciptakan penggunaan ekosistem pemegang Bitcoin saja. Namun, kemudahan penggunaan dan fungsionalitas yang superior membuat Hash Card menjadi kartu yang harus dimiliki siapa saja.

Hash Card memiliki beberapa fitur yang membuatnya sangat menrik dan bermanfaat bagi penggunanya;

Pertama: fisik Kartu Hash dapat digunakan dimanapun kartu kredit atau kartu debit diterima. Ini sangat sederhana seperti debit reguler atau kartu kredit lainnya.

Kedua: kapan saja Hash Card digesek, itu akan membutuhkan transaksi real-time.

Ketiga: kehadiran aplikasi Hash Card yang memungkinkan kemampuan untuk menukar uang di beberapa bank antar bank.

Keempat: semua transfer yang akan terjadi antara pengguna Hash Card App gratis dan real time. Dan dana mereka akan segera tersedia di penerima Kartu Hash.

Kelima: Perusahaan ini hampir menyelesaikan pengujian tahap Beta dari Hash Card dan dompet, sehingga memberikan kemungkinan untuk meluncurkan Hash Card selama penjualan token publik.

Cara mendapatkan kartu hash dengan mengunjungi situs resmi hascard di dan mendaftar dan verifikasi selama 3 menit.
Setelah selesai, kartu hash akan dikirim ke setiap rumah pengguna. Kartu fisik dapat digunakan di lebih dari 30 juta pedagang di seluruh dunia. Ini dapat digunakan baik online maupun offline. pemegang kartu menerima penghematan hingga 7% bila dibandingkan dengan bank lain. Akun Hash Card dapat didanai secara langsung, tanpa biaya, dengan Ether dan Bitcoin. Mulai Q4, 2018, pendanaan Fiat juga akan tersedia untuk memuat Hash Card. 

Dompet Hash Card mendukung 25 cryptocurrency yang dapat Anda gunakan di platform dan dapat di instal di ANDROID atau iOS. Ini dilindungi oleh teknologi multi-sig, enkripsi SSL dan otentikasi dua faktor, yang berarti bahwa hanya pemilik yang benar-benar dapat mengakses dompet. Anda menyimpan uang dalam dompet Anda dan menggunakan Hash Card Anda untuk menggunakannya untuk membayar barang-barang di mana saja VISA atau MasterCard diterima. Anda dapat menggunakan kartu untuk membayar barang dan jasa secara offline atau untuk bertransaksi dan mentransfer antara dompet HashCard.

Mekanisme Pembayaran Di HashCard:

Seperti hal-hal lain di dunia cryptocurrency, Hash Card juga membutuhkan peran token yang akan digunakan untuk bertransaksi dalam aplikasinya.

Token Hash Card dapat dikenal sebagai token HSHC. Perusahaan Hash Card mengatakan setelah HSHC diluncurkan di sana akan ada perbaikan berkelanjutan pada Aplikasi Hash Wallet.

Nama Token

Token Utilitas


Total Token Supply
150.000.000 *

Hard Cap
$ 9.000.000 / 90.000.000 TOKENS

Soft Cap
$ 3.000.000 / 30.000.000 TOKENS

1 HSHC = 0,10 USD

72 Jam setelah Penjualan Token berakhir
tanggal 1 Mei 2018 - 12 Juni 2018

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut bergabunglah dengan media sosial HashCard hari ini silahkan kunjungi beberapa laman berikut:

Oleh: Yaelahwall



Rabu, 16 Mei 2018

MARGINLESS- revolusi industri taruhan

MARGINLESS adalah platform inovatif yang bekerja pada blockchain dan yang telah menciptakan antarmuka FaceToFace yang unik.

Keuntungan dari MARGINLESS:

  • Berkat antarmuka FaceToFace 2, pengguna dengan pendapat berbeda akan dapat bertaruh pada hasil yang berbeda terhadap satu sama lain secara langsung.
  • Komisi terendah dalam industri hanya 1%, yang dibayar hanya jika pengguna menang. 
  • MARGINLESS bertindak sebagai operator peer-to-peer dan tidak memerlukan tim trader atau manajemen risiko yang serius.
  • MARGINLESS akan memungkinkan penggunanya untuk membuka bookmaker mereka sendiri yang akan bekerja dengan token MRS.
  • Pendaftaran yang disederhanakan, kurangnya penyimpanan informasi Anda secara terpusat.

Dengan demikian, MARGINLESS dapat menjadi proyek unik di bidang taruhan dan e-sports, itu akan menawarkan penggunanya kondisi terbaik. Setiap pengguna, dengan risiko dan biaya minimal, akan dapat membuka platformnya sendiri untuk bertaruh. Salah satu keuntungan utama dari proyek ini adalah komisi yang sangat rendah dibandingkan dengan pesaing. Antarmuka FaceToFace masih belum teramati di pasaran.

MARGINLESS memiliki peta jalan yang sangat jelas dan ringkas:

Pada Juni 2018, perluasan tim karyawan direncanakan.

Pada awal kuartal ketiga 2018 - kerjasama dengan perusahaan internasional, yang sudah memiliki pengalaman luas di pasar.

Pada akhir kuartal ketiga 2018 - peluncuran jejaring sosial yang ditargetkan pada tarif. Antarmuka pengguna baru, FaceToFace, juga akan diperkenalkan.

Pada kuartal keempat 2018, mobil BMW X6 diundi, serta penampilan aplikasi seluler iOS / ANDROID.

Pada akhir kuartal keempat 2018 - pembukaan versi alfa dari kurs bursa blok-nya sendiri, serta peluncuran penuh jaringan MARGINLESS.

Pada awal kuartal kedua tahun 2019 - meluncurkan merek sendiri MARGINLESS ESPORTS.

Kami melihat rencana yang jelas dari tim pengembang yang berencana untuk secara ketat mematuhinya. Ini membuktikan sekali lagi bahwa MARGINLESS berjanji untuk menjadi proyek yang benar-benar dapat diandalkan dan inovatif pada tahun 2018.

Saat ini, ICO sedang berjalan, di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan 20% dari bonus. Sudah sekitar 1300 ETH telah dikumpulkan , softcap adalah 4000 ETH, hardcap adalah  21000 ETH, yang lebih dari nyata untuk proyek tingkat ini.Tidak ada keraguan bahwa proyek akan mengumpulkan hardcap dan bahkan lebih. Harga satu token saat ini adalah 0,000083 ETH, di masa depan hanya akan tumbuh. Jangan menunda investasi dalam proyek ini di kotak panjang - 20% bonus akan berlaku hingga 30 April, setelah tanggal ini bonus akan turun menjadi 10%, dan harga token MRS akan meningkat. Ingat bahwa investasi hanya biaya uang gratis.

Untuk memahami sepenuhnya esensi proyek, saya sarankan Anda membiasakan diri dengan WhitePaper. atau satu halaman versi  .

Pada IcoBench, proyek menerima peringkat berikut:

Undang teman Anda sekarang juga untuk bergabung dengan jaringan Marginless dan dapatkan imbalan Token MRS atau ETH! Hasilkan tautan afiliasi unik Anda dengan mengisi formulir DISINI.

Tautan Proyek:



ZeCash- Solusi Digital Dalam Bertransaksi Cryptocurrency

Sistem mata uang digital terdesentralisasi yang dikenal sebagai cryptocurrency adalah terobosan dalam pembayaran elektronik. Konsep cryptocurrency pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1998 dan, baru-baru ini, telah menjadi nyata melalui sejumlah skema, Bitcoin menjadi salah satu yang paling luas. Sifat yang sepenuhnya terdesentralisasi dari protokol cryptocurrency merupakan terobosan dalam konteks pembayaran elektronik, di mana otoritas penerbitan pusat biasanya mengontrol akun individu dan transaksinya. Ini mendorong kebutuhan untuk mencari algoritma dan protokol mata uang virtual terdesentralisasi baru yang akan mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pengguna, dengan memberikan privasi tetapi, pada saat yang sama, memungkinkan untuk beberapa bentuk kontrol pada transaksi dan aset.
Saya akan memperkenalkan ZeCash sebagai terobosan Solusi Digital yang berhubungan dengan transaksi Cryptocurrency. Gunakan fitur kepemilikan baru untuk membuat ZeCash Ze menjadi gen Coin berikutnya. Protokol Baru untuk Mengamankan Proof of Stake, konsep baru Staking, fitur anonimitas baru, pemrosesan jaringan petir, dan Untuk e-commerce, pembayaran pribadi, bisnis online ZeCash akan mempercepat transaksi untuk klien dan pemasok dalam lingkungan yang aman terdesentralisasi
ZeCash dapat menjadi sarana investasi karena dengan membeli, Anda akan berhak untuk mengubahnya menjadi ZeCash Coin setelah dirilis. Token akan dikeluarkan dari kontrak pintar yang sangat aman. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari mengintai: Semakin banyak ZeCash yang Anda pegang dan simpan di dompet, semakin banyak yang Anda hasilkan, hingga 5% setiap bulan, saya yakin ZeCash akan dapat bersaing dengan koin besar karena akan terdaftar berbagai bursa.
Proses cepat. Zecash akan menawarkan sistem Lightning Network untuk memproses Pembayaran Instan dan penerbitan cepat.
ZeProtocol. Memotong protokol kepemilikan lindung nilai untuk memproses transaksi Pos pada Tingkat Keamanan Tinggi.
proof of stake. Lebih efisien dalam lingkungan daripada Bukti Kerja. Penambang / Minters mendapatkan lebih banyak keuntungan karena hanya perlu komputer biasa untuk memproses transaksi koin Zecash.
Suplai terkontrol. ZeCash akan memiliki Cap of supply untuk terus mempertahankan kenaikan harga dan tidak terjadi pengenceran pemegang ZeCash di masa depan.
Looking. Dapatkan imbalan hanya dengan memegang koin ZeCash di Wallet Anda untuk memvalidasi transaksi. Adil dengan protokol CABS dan RBS.
Desentralisasi. Jaringan global komputer – bukan jaringan tunggal – mengelola database bersama-sama, sehingga merekam transaksi ZeCash di seluruh dunia.
ZeAnon. Fitur ini akan memungkinkan untuk memproses anonimitas penuh menggunakan teknik seperti Transaction Re-mixing dan Ring signature.
Dompet ZeWallet. Windows / Linux / Mobile. Tukarkan otomatis ke major seperti bitcoin / eth dari dompet.
Detil ICO
Seperti yang tercantum pada WHITEPAPER mereka, untuk membiayai pengembangan cryptocurrency revolusioner ZeCash, ICO akan diselenggarakan pada ada tanggal 31 Maret, penjualan publik kepada investor diluncurkan sampai 31 Desember 2018.
Hingga saat ini, sistem bonus memungkinkan Anda mendapatkan tambahan 10%.
Setelah fase penggalangan dana berakhir, pengembangan proyek akan berlangsung sesuai dengan
Roadmap yang dikompilasi dan dinyatakan di situs web. Sampai saat ini, tim proyek sudah menegosiasikan daftar token di bursa pertukaran kripto terkemuka.

Token Symbol
Total Token Supply
1 / 0,10$
Hard CAP
Soft CAP
Currencies Accepted
1 / 0,10$
1 / ~0,00001
1 / ~0,0002
Saya mengusulkan ZeCash sebagai model cryptocurrency baru yang mengeksploitasi dan mengintegrasikan solusi teknis yang sesuai untuk menarik kepercayaan pengguna dan menjadi sistem mata uang digital terdesentralisasi yang aman dan andal. Tiga komponen utama dari skema yang diusulkan adalah cryptocurrency pasca-kuantum aman, pengawasan jaringan dan otentikasi dan sistem reputasi yang kuat.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih rinci tentang ZeCash silakan kunjungi tautan berikut:

Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

Contract Vault- Next generation agreements for everyone on the Ethereum blockchain

Contract Vault

Introducing a Vault contract built on a mission in which anyone can develop, use, resell, adjust and reuse legally valid contracts without legal details or knowledge about Ethereum Blockchain. In simple words, this is a platform that will help all users to make contracts as simple as drag and drop.

A blockchain-based platform, designed to allow anyone to reconsider the legal contract.
In partnership with world-class legal thinking, the team behind this venture plans to make it so easy to make contracts that everyone will have the ability.
The Vault contract is a platform that extends the bay between legal contracts and smart contracts that create the creation, management, and integration of contract procedures on the simple blockchain.
This is the answer to prepare everyone for a smart new universe of smart contracts - and make it really smart.

many companies and organizations are trying to introduce the latest technology into their business, business, projects. The most relevant today is BlockChain technology the most urgent and burning problem. The legal and financial environment is no exception they are also undergoing revolutionary changes. But how to combine standard real-life processes, for example, the design of rental contracts for specific properties and smart contracts for people who are completely away from how Block Chain technology and smart contracts are governed and how does everything work? Where and what could be an acute trap and point of view in this process, how to avoid fraud and get quality help from lawyers?

Platform contractual basis:

  • This will be a combination of traditional and intelligent contract contracts that will give them the power of law and allow the platform users to transfer the physical property or the right to own it with the help of Block Chain.
  • To test your own smart contract or custom contract for them, and each user can manage it using a browser or mobile device,
  • To apply specifically according to their situation a large number of verified legal and technical frameworks of the contract,
  • To gain access to legal experts and professional block-Cheyn consulting services and arbitration services,
  • Companies to integrate smart contracts into existing processes, saving the time normally spent on development,
  • banks, insurance companies, law firms will be able to offer their customers their own Vault Contract version,
  • For various companies and service providers, the sales channel is growing and the number of subscribers is increasing,
  • Smart contract developers directly on the trading platform will be able to provide their services, perform audits and suggestions to users who need support and technical support,
  • It is possible to authorize and sell shares of private companies on Block Chain Ethereum technology, and smart contracts, this process will have the force of law that shapes the new generation stock market,
  • With Block Chain technology it will be safe for your data, easy and simple for a simple interface and a well thought out program.
With each contract user's Vault Platform; whether it is a consumer service, a lawyer, or a representative of a law firm, small business or client company, a professional in the field of development and advising on smart contracts - will expand opportunities, access to templates withdrawn professionally from traditional contracts or smart contracts, save time and optimize the many processes associated with their professional activities and business, will be able to sell their own contract-made products and more.

The total supply of tokens is 900,000,000 VLT and according to the website it will be distributed so widely;
Half of the total bid, 450 million VLT, will be used for public sale.
Another 180 million VLTs will be stored in the company's reserves and used for long-term budgeting.

Initial contributors and advisors will receive 112.5 million VLTs, while the founders and teams behind the platform will receive 90 million.
The remaining 67.5 million VLT will be used for marketing and gift services.
Phase I
March 1, 2018 - May 15, 2018

Phase II
June 1, 2018 - June 15, 2018


1 CHF (Swiss Franc) = 10 VLT

Token Type

Tokens for sale
450,000,000 VLT

Soft Cap
1,000,000 CHF

Hard Cap
45,000,000 CHF

The platform is designed to extend legal knowledge so that people without the legal background can also participate in developing a new world with easier access to different types of legal document templates with the help of internet access.

for more information please visit:








